Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct infinitive fom or the -ing form. Carl decided 1) ...to move.. (mave) to London. He (find) a job there. He looked (live) in the city and imag- (work) as a successful busi- hoped 2) forward to 3) ined himself 4) nessman. He didn't expect 5) (have) any problems. After a month though, he regretted (move) to London. He spent all day (travel) to interviews, he couldn't get (hear) so much noise all the 6) 7) used to 8) time, and the pollution made him 9) - (leel) ill. Just when he thought there was no point in (try) any more, a company offered (employ) him and agreed 10) 11) 12) (pay) him the salary he wanted.


Ответ дал: nastyabelyakova2010


1. 1) to move

2) find

3) live

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