Task 1. Change into Passive Voice.

Ancient people built pyramids in Egypt.
Tommy is having an operation right now.
Someone has scratched my car on the door!
The waiter offered a menu to us.
The hotel provides satellite television for its guests.
My grandma taught this song to me.
My Dad is going to get a great computer game for me.
Task 2. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice:

Everybody looked at them with interest.
They have finished the work at last.
The children surround their teacher after the lessons.
I lost the key yesterday.
He has brought the letter.
We shall send for the doctor at once.
One can rely on this man.
They were discussing the examination questions.
Have they asked you about it?
People met the delegation at the station.
Suddenly we heard some steps.
They will tell you everything about it.
We can win peace if we fight for it.
Nobody has answered my question yet.
What have people done about it?
They are typing the text. You'll have to wait.
Students often ask for this book.
People speak well about her.
They spoke to each student.
They have just discussed this question.


Ответ дал: amanda2sempl

Task 1.

Pyramids in Egypt were built by ancient people.

An operation is being had by Tommy right now.

The door of my car has been scratched on!

A menu was offered to us by the waiter.

Satellite television is provided by the hotel for its guests.

This song was taught to me by my grandma.

A great computer game is going to be gotten for me by my Dad.

Task 2.

They were looked at with interest.

The work has been finished at last.

Teacher is surrounded by his pupils after the lessons.

The key was lost by me yesterday.

The letter has been brought by him.

The doctor will be sent for at once.

This man can be relied on.

The examination questions were discussed.

Have you been asked about it?

The delegation was met by people at the station.

Some steps suddenly were heard by us.

Everything about it will be told to you.

Peace can be won if it is being fighted for.

My question has not been answered yet.

What has about it been done by people?

The text is being typed. You'll have to wait.

This book is asked for by students often.

She is spoken about well by people.

Each student is spoken to.

This question just has been discussed.

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