you get in?
Kate Hi, Dad.
Dad Morning, Kate (1)
are you today?
Kate Fine, thanks. A bit tired.
Dad I didn't hear you come home last night.
time did
Kate About 11.00.
Dad (3)
did you go?
Kate Just round to Beth's house.
Dad There's a letter for you on the table.
Kate Oh! (4)
is it from?
Dad I don't know. Open it and see.
Kate Oh!
Dad (5)
's the matter?
Kate Nothing. It's from Luis in Spain.
Dad That's interesting.
Kate He says he's coming to England soon.
Dad (6)
Kate Because he's going to study English.
Dad (7)
is he going to stay?
Kate Here in London,
Dad (8)
school is he going to?
Kate He doesn't know yet.
Dad (9)
is he coming
Kate Next week
Dad You must invite him round. (10)
don't you write back and invite him to Sunday
Kate OK, I will. Thanks, Dad.
Пж помогите надо срочно ​



Ответ дал: yutina

1) How (Как) are you today? Как ты сегодня поживаешь?

2) What (Что) time did you get in? Когда ты пришел)

3) Where (Куда) did you go? Куда ты пошел?

4) Who (Кто) is it from? От кого оно?

5) What (Что) 's the matter? Что случилось?

6) Why (Зачем) ? Зачем?

7) Where (Где) is he going to stay? Где он собирается остановиться?

8) Which (Какой) school is he going to? В какую школу он пойдет?

9) When (Когда) is he coming? Когда он приедет?

10) Why (Почему) don't you write back and invite him to Sunday lunch? Почему бы тебе ему не ответить и не прегласить его на обед в воскресенье?

Вас заинтересует