ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!СРОЧНО!!!!2. Откройте скобки в тексте, поставив глаголы в грамматическую форму в соответствии с содержанием предложения. Выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы и их 3 формы; выучите неправильные глаголы к экзамену. Dear Jessie, 1) I _____(be) glad that now you _____(be) at last in Bristol with your mother. 2) She really ________(need) your help and care. 3) Especially now when she ______(be) so ill and often ____________(not have) any strength for work. 4) In your last letter you ____________(write) about problems with medicines. 5) _______ you _______(have) the necessary pills now? 6) Or I’ll send them for you? Two days ago Harry ________________(not go) to Plymouth, he_____________( have) to go to Bristol for a business trip. 7) Yesterday evening he ____________(tell) me he was going to visit you. 8) He ___________(want) to know if you _______(be) able to see him...

TkElPa: здесь упражнение только на прошедшее время?


Ответ дал: TkElPa


Dear Jessie, 1) I am glad that now you are at last in Bristol with your mother. 2) She really needs your help and care. 3) Especially now when she is so ill and often hasn't any strength for work. 4) In your last letter you wrote about problems with medicines. 5) Do you have the necessary pills now? 6) Or I’ll send them for you? Two days ago Harry didn't go to Plymouth, he had to go to Bristol for a business trip. 7) Yesterday evening he told me he was going to visit you. 8) He wants to know if you will able to see him...


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