Срочно даю 40 баллов!!!!!!!
Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Last night five computers _______________________ (taken) from our office.

2 Copper _______________________ (use) to make many things, like parts for gadgets.

3 In the 2012 Olympics, the most medals _______________________ (win) by the United States.

4 In the UK today, many houses _______________________ (build) using stone.

5 John F Kennedy _______________________ (kill) on 22 November 1963.


Ответ дал: tuta73659


1. Were taken

2. Was used

3. Were won

4. Are built

5. Was killed

Ответ дал: Mihals

1. Last night five computers were taken from our office.  

2. Copper is used to make many things, like parts for gadgets.  

3. In the 2012 Olympics, the most medals were won by the United States.  

4. In the UK today, many houses are built using stone.  

5. John F Kennedy was killed on 22 November 1963.

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