Надо перевести в пассивный залог
2. She watched a comedy film yesterday.

3. He will put the candle on the table.

4. Pam bought a new ring.

5. He will correct the mistakes.

6. I have a beautiful present.

7. The cat dropped the vase yesterday.

8. I play the piano now.

9. He will turn off the TV set.

10. We receive e-mails every day


Ответ дал: ksenia123tea


2. The comedy was looked by her yesterday.

3. The candle was placed on the table.

4. The ring was bought by a pam.

5. Mistakes were corrected by him.

7. The vase was dropped by a cat yesterday.

8. The piano is played by me.

9. The TV set was turned off by him.

10. Emails received by we every day.

ekativ6: Благодарю
angelina01010: ой, что за кошмар в первом, исправляйте
angelina01010: look to-смотрела на..комедия смотрела на нее
angelina01010: и где глагол to be?
angelina01010: was looked BY, а не to...предлог творительного падежа
ksenia123tea: спасибо, что указали на ошибку
Ответ дал: HellishHelen

2. A comedy film was watched by her yesterday.

3. The candle will be put on the table by him.

4. A new ring was bought by Pam.

5. He will correct The mistakes will be correct by him.

6. A beautiful present has been got by me.

7.The vase was dropped by the cat yesterday.

8. The piano is played by me. /The piano is being played by me now.

9.The TV set will be turned off by him.

10. E-mails are received by us every day

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