Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
At (3) * for * in (2) * on (4) * by * in order to
1. We will have to leave the house ___ six o’clock at least to get to the airport ____ time to catch
our flight.
2. The baby was born ____ 1 p.m. ____ New Year’s Eve.
3. One of my classmates comes to school ___ bus. He says that he has to leave his house ___ half
past six every morning ___ be ___ time for school.
4. My friend goes everywhere ___ foot.
5. My eldest sister is ___ holiday in the China. She will be there ____ a week.
6. This book was published ___ August 1984.
Ex. 4. Complete the conditional sentences.
1. If I had time, I ___ (go) shopping with you.
2. If you ___ (speak) English, you will get along with them perfectly.
3. If you ___ (get on) well with them, you will soon become a part of their team.
4. If they had gone for a walk, they ___ (switch) the lights off.
5. If she ___ (come) to see us, we will go to the zoo.
6. I would have told you, if I ___(meet) him.
7. If I ___ (be) you, I would help them to clean the classroom.
8. If I ___ (finish) this work earlier, if you had helped me.


Ответ дал: angelina01010

Ответ:, in, on, at, to, in  


5.on, in

1. would go

2. speak

3. get on

4. would switch

5. comes

6. met

7. would finish

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