помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно)

Напишите степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. big 2. clever 3. good 4. pleasant 5. poor 6. bad 7. funny (смешной) 8. important 9. sunny 10. far 11. comfortable 12. wise.


Ответ дал: sofiko265


1)big - bigger - the biggest

2) clever - cleverer - the cleverest, а также: more clever - the most clever

3) good - better - the best

4) pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant, а также: pleasanter - the pleasantest

5) poor - poorer - the poorest

6) bad - worse - the worst

7) funny - funnier - the funniest

8) important - more important - the most important

9) sunny - sunnier - the sunniest

10) far – farther/further - the farthest/furthest

11) comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable

12) wise - wiser - the wisest

ilona6278: спасибо)))
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