помогите написать письмо


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Kevin.

    I have joined a new sports centre in our town. It is well-equipped with a swimming pool. Do you have a sports centre in your town? What are opening times and prices? What sports can you do at this sports centre?

    Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

    Write 100—120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Ответ дал: Saviors
yes, my town has a sports center, it even be near my home, there is a skating rink, I sometimes go there. still there are so many sportiynyh sections were doing both amateurs and proffesionaly. it is open daily from 8 to 19, so I can always go there in time, have a good time with friends. prices are not very expensive, because this sports center made ​​especially for teenagers such as myself.

vesennya: спасибо, но мне бы лучше развернутым ответом, а то я боюсь, что не уложусь в норму
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