2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Example: like English I
I like English.
1 goes she by always car work to
2 housework we the usually weekend at do
3 drink I coffee 3.00 p.m. never after
4 lunch they food for eat fast sometimes
5 the husband car listens in to the usually my radio
6 English start your time does class what usually
7 and I’m my journalist I a job like
3 Underline the correct word.
Example: What’s / Whats your name?
1 A What are this / these?
B They’re my house keys.
2 A Who’s that / she?
B My husband.
3 This is a / an English dictionary.
4 A Are those / that your books?
B No. My books are in my bag.
5 Your / You’re a good teacher!
6 A Are you OK?
B Yes, I’m / I am.
7 Oleg’s father is Russian, but he’s / his mother is French.
8 We don’t / doesn’t like pizza.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1) She always goes to work by car.

Она всегда ездит на работу на машине.

2) We usually do the homework at weekend.

Обычно мы делаем домашнюю работу на выходных.

3) I never drink coffee after 3:00 pm.

Я никогда не пью кофе после 15:00.

4) They sometimes eat fast food for lunch.

Иногда они едят фаст-фуд на обед.

5) My husband usually listens to the radio in the car.

Мой муж обычно слушает радио в машине.

6) What time does your English class usually start?

Во сколько обычно начинается ваш урок английского?

7) I am a journalist and I like my job.

Я журналист, и мне нравится моя работа.


1 A What are these?

B They’re my house keys.


2 A Who’s that?

B My husband.


3 This is an English dictionary.

(An+слово на гласный звук)

4 A: Are those your books?

(Those- мн.ч.то/те)

B: No. My books are in my bag.

5 You’re a good teacher!

(You-ты/вы, your-твой, ваш)

6 A Are you OK?

B Yes, I am.

(В кратком ответе полная форма)

7 Oleg’s father is Russian, but his mother is French.

(He-он, his-его)

8 We don’t like pizza.

(Does для he/she/it)


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