My New Friend
I have a new friend called Hasan. He's from
Turkey 1.......he lives in London
That's because his parents2.......
here. Hasan 3.........
fifteen years old
and he's got one brother and one sister. He 4......
football and rock music.
I love rock music too, so we 5.......
to it every day after school. I sometimes go to
football matches with him, but I don't really I love visiting his house 7........
his parents are really nice.
They 8......
speak to me and make
me feel at home. 1 A because
B but
C also. 2 A work
B works
C working 3 A am
B is
C are
4 A love
B loves
C loving 5 A listen
C listening
B listens 6 A like
B likes
C to like 7 A but
C because
B also 8 A every
C ever
B always
Пж оч срочноооооо


Ответ дал: Prynikova


1. В) but

2. C) working

3. B) is

4. B) loves

5. C) listening

6. A) like

7. В) also

8. B) always

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