составьте 5 типов вопросов(общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный, вопрос к подлежащему)
Mary Jane lived in a rich family in Glasgow, UK
Our teachers has told us to write
They are playing football now


Ответ дал: gurbanovf


1.Mary Jane lived in a rich family in Glasgow, UK

Did Mary Jane live in a rich family in Glasgow, UK?

Where did Mary Jane live ?

Did Mary Jane live in a rich family in Glasgow or in London?

Mary Jane lived in a rich family in Glasgow, UK, didn't she?

Who lived in a rich family in Glasgow, UK?

2.Our teacher has told us to write.

Has our teacher told us to write?

What has our teacher told us ?

Has our teacher told us to write or to read?

Our teacher has told us to write ,hasn't he ?

Who has told us to write?

3.They are playing football now.

Are they playing football now ?

What are they playing now?

Are they playing football or volleyball now?

They are playing football now, aren't they?

Who are playing football now?

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