Дайте краткие отрицательные ответ на вопросы по модели, а затем составьте утвердительное предложение, используя слова в скобках:
1. Was it snowing when you left your house yesterday? (rain)
2. Was she playing the guitar when you came in? (talk on the phone)
3. Was Robert having dinner at this time yesterday? (read a book)
4. Were his friends playing chess the whole evening yesterday? (do their homework)
5. Was he writing an essay from ten to eleven yesterday? (learn new words)
6. Were you cleaning the room the whole morning yesterday? (cook)
7. Were they talking when you entered the room? (listen to the radio)
8. Was she studying grammar the whole evening yesterday? (translate an article)


Ответ дал: kim1238
1. No, It was raining
2. No, She was talking on the phone
3. No, He was reading a book
4. No, they were doing homework
5. No, he was learning new words
6. No, I was cooking
7. No, they were listening to the radio
8. No, she was translating an article
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