Вы видели эту девушку раньше? Они меня слушали? Она купила ту шляпу? Он ушёл в кино? Животное это ело? Ты получил моё письмо?

перевод на английский в present perfect


Ответ дал: nastya20042256p94bgk


Have you seen this girl before?

Have they listened to me?

Has she bought that hat?

Has he gone to cinema?

Has the animal eaten that?

Have you received my letter?

Пожалуйста ❤️

Ответ дал: oleksandrpetrov

Have you seen this girl before?

Have they listened to me?

Has she bought that hat?

Has he gone to cinema?

Has animal eaten it?

Have you got my letter?

Вас заинтересует