Create sentences from the given verb combinations
Example have a difficult time+understand
I have a difficult time understanding the teachers explanations in calculus
1 have trouble+remember
2 stand+ wait
3 have a hard time+learn
4 sit + think
5 have a good time+ play
6 lie+dream
7 have difficulty+pronounce
8 have fun+sing and dance
9 find +study
10 spend+chat
11 waste+ try
12 catch + take​
пожалуйста помогите очч срочно
пджжжжжж быстрее пжжжжж


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 I have trouble remembering my passwords.

2 I can't stand waiting for buses.

3 My friend has a hard time learning poetry.

4 The old man sat thinking for some time.

5 The kids had a good time playing in the garden.

6 the boy was lying dreaming under the apple tree.

7 I have difficulty pronouncing French names.

8 We had fun singing and dancing at the party.

9 Some students find studying difficult.

10 Girls spend a lot of time chatting.

11 Don't waste your time trying to impress others.

12 We caught him taking​ pictures of us.

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