9. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. The students are going to perform a play, but some of them cannot remember their lines. The teacher makes them...

A) learn them heartily B) heartily learn them C) learn them by heart D) learning by heart them

10. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Graham... to hospital in an ambulance at midnight when his appendix .......

A) had to be taken/burst

C) is being taken/was bursting

B) used to be taken/has burst

D) will be taking/is bursting


Ответ дал: Аноним

9. The students are going to perform a play, but some of them cannot remember their lines. The teacher makes them learn them by heart. (C)

10. Graham had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance at midnight when his appendix burst. (A)

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