Английский язык.

Задания 4, 1.


Аноним: Мне вот просто любопытно: у тебя больше 16 тыс. баллов, а ты так жадничаешь.
Miа16: если можешь, могу ещё больше дать
Miа16: я просто долго копила, и не хочу тратить все, у меня много будет заданий


Ответ дал: Mihals


1. E) I can still see the cracks on the ceiling and the water stain from when the water tank overflowed in the attic.

2. D) It would touch the books on my desk and then form a big pool of light on the floorboards by the rug.

3. A) Perhaps the nights weren’t quite as still and moonlit. Perhaps the room was more cramped than snug

4. B) We were princes and princesses locked up in an old castle, pirates on the high seas and spacemen battling with  atrocious monsters!


1. C) It was a great place

2. D) With a deep sigh, she closed her suitcase and went downstairs

3. A) She stared out of the window and watched her old life go past

Miа16: Спасибо <3
Miа16: там ещё 4 в профиле
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