Решите ,пожалуйста, срочно надо!! Дам 20 баллов



Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. At 7 o'clock tomorrow Tom will be watching the football match on TV.
  2. I'm sorry. I won't come to you. I will be translating a very difficult article from Russian into English.
  3. I hope you won't be sleeping when I come.
  4. Tomorrrow we will be absolutely free. We'll not be working the whole day.
  5. What will you be doing from 10 until 12 tomorrow?
  6. Don't phone her tomorrow at 6. She will be learning her part for the future play.
  7. If you want to see us, come to my place at 6. We'll be waiting for you there.
  8. I know he will be telling us adventurous stories the whole lesson.
  9. No, I'll be busy at this time. I'll be cooking food for my party.
  10. Toorrow evening they will be travelling to the USA by plane.
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