20. The dentist two of his teeth. One of them
A) pulls out/are
B) pull out/was
C) pulled out/was
D) pull out/was
E) pulled out/were
21. I couldn't imagine what
A) had happened
C) will happen
E) happens
to her.
B) has been happened
D) has been happening
22. He felt that he
A) has made
D) was made
it wrong
B) made
E) had made
C) will make
23. L_ my homework when my mother came.
A) already did
B) have already done
C) had already done
D) has already done
E) already do
24. Turning I found my father sitting beside me on the sofa. I said
you — here?"
A) do/get
B) did/get
C) does/get
D) was/getting E) has/been getting
25. Last summer we
A) made
D) shall make
a trip to Houston.
B) has made
E) will be making
C) are making
26. He barely
A) had/heard
D) did/hear
of him until that evening.
B) has/heard
E) didn't/hear
C) was/heard
C) has lived
27. She
in Tashkent five years ago.
A) had lived
B) lived
D) live
E) have lived​

shaxinabaxromova: срочно пожалуйста


Ответ дал: JordanCarter

20. С)

21. А)

22. Е)

23. С)

24. В)

25. А)

26. А)

27. В)

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