помогите пожалуйста!!! отрицание специальный вопрос.
1. a) Susan (to drink) her fruit juice every evening. 

b) Susan (to drink) her tea nom. 

c) Susan (to drink) her Coca Cola an hour ago. 

d) Susan (to drink) her orange juice in an hour, 

e) Susan (to drink) her hot chocolate recently. 

2.a) usually telegram to my grandparents every week 

b) I (to send) a greeting card to my grandparents now. 


c) I (to send) a letter to my grandparents last Thursday. 

d) I (to send) a postcard to my grandparents in two days. 

e) I just (to send) an SMS text to my grandparents, 

3. a) His grandfather sometimes (to draw) funny pictures of 


b) His grandfather (to draw) a funny picture of a bird now. 

c) His grandfather draw) a funny picture of a lion yes- 
d) His grandfather (ta draw) funny pictures of monkeys 
next time. 
e) His grandfather (to draw) a nice picture of a white kitten
4. a) The postman (not to bring) newspapers and magazines 

in the evening. 

b) The postman (not to bring) newspapers and magazines 
c) The postman (not to bring) newspapers and magazines 

last Sunday. 

d) The postman (not to bring) newspapers and magazines 

next Monday. 

e) The postman (not to bring) newspapers and magazines 


5. a) They (not to visit) Spain every year. 

b) They (not to visit) America now. 

c) They (not to visit) Italy two months ago. 

d) They (not to visit) Sweden in three weeks. 

e) They (not to visit) Norway this month. 

6. a) You often (not to eat) pancakes with caviar. iar. 

b) You (not to eat) pancakes with jam now. 

c) You (not to eat) pancakes with sour cream for lunch 


d) You (not to eat) pancakes with sugar for dinner tomor- 


e) You (not to eat) pancakes with cream yet​


Ответ дал: Аноним

1. a) Susan drinks her fruit juice every evening. Present Simple

  Отрицание: Susan doesn't drink her fruit juice every evening.

  Специальный: What does Susan drink every evening?

  b) Susan is drinking her tea now. Present Continuous

  Отрицание: Susan is not drinking her tea now.

  Специальный: What is Susan drinking now?

  c) Susan drank her Coca Cola an hour ago. Past Simple

  Отрицание: Susan didn't drink her Coca Cola an hour ago.

  Специальный: When did Susan drink her Coca Cola?

  d) Susan will drink her orange juice in an hour. Future Simple

  Отрицание: Susan won't drink her orange juice in an hour.

  Специальный: When will Susan drink her orange juice?

  e) Susan has drunk her hot chocolate recently. Present Perfect

  Отрицание: Susan hasn't drunk her hot chocolate recently.

  Специальный: What has Susan drunk recently?

2. a) I usually telegram to my grandparents every week. Present Simple

  Отрицание: I don't usually telegram to my grandparents every week.

  Специальный: Whom do I usually telegram to every week?

   b) I'm sending a greeting card to my grandparents now. Present Continuous

  Отрицание: I'm not sending a greeting card to my grandparents now.

  Специальный: What am I sending to my grandparents now?

   c) I sent a letter to my grandparents last Thursday. Past Simple

  Отрицание: I didn't send a letter to my grandparents last Thursday.

  Специальный: When did I send a letter to my grandparents?

   d) I will send a postcard to my grandparents in two days. Future Simple

  Отрицание: I won't send a postcard to my grandparents in two days.

  Специальный: What will I send to my grandparents in two days?

   e) I've just sent an SMS text to my grandparents. Present Perfect

  Отрицание: I haven't just sent an SMS text to my grandparents.

  Специальный: What have I just sent to my grandparents?

3. a) His grandfather sometimes draws funny pictures of animals. Present Simple

  Отрицание: His grandfather doesn't sometimes draw funny pictures of animals.

  Специальный: What does his grandfather sometimes draw?

   b) His grandfather is drawing a funny picture of a bird now. Present Continuous

  Отрицание: His grandfather isn't drawing a funny picture of a bird now.

  Специальный: Whose grandfather is drawing a funny picture of a bird now?

   c) His grandfather drew a funny picture of a lion yesterday. Past Simple

  Отрицание: His grandfather didn't draw a funny picture of a lion yesterday.

  Специальный: When did his grandfather draw a funny picture of a lion?

   d) His grandfather will draw funny pictures of monkeys next time. Future Simple

  Отрицание: His grandfather won't draw funny pictures of monkeys next time.

  Специальный: What will his grandfather draw next time?

   e) His grandfather has drawn a nice picture of a white kitten today. Present Perfect

  Отрицание: His grandfather hasn't drawn a nice picture of a white kitten today.

  Специальный: When did his grandfather draw a nice picture of a white kitten?

4. a) The postman doesn't bring newspapers and magazines in the evening. Present Simple

  Специальный: What does the postman bring in the evening?

   b) The postman is not bringing newspapers and magazines now. Present Continuous

  Специальный: Who isn't bringing newspapers and magazines now?

   c) The postman didn't bring newspapers and magazines last Sunday. Past Simple

  Специальный: When didn't the postman bring newspapers and magazines?

   d) The postman won't bring newspapers and magazines next Monday. Future Simple

  Специальный: What won't the postman bring next Monday?

   e) The postman hasn't brought newspapers and magazines yet. Present Perfect

  Специальный: What hasn't the postman brought yet?

5. a) They don't visit Spain every year. Present Simple

  Специальный: How often do they visit Spain?

   b) They are not visiting America now. Present Continuous

  Специальный: What country are they not visiting now?

   c) They didn't visit Italy two months ago. Past Simple

  Специальный: When did they visit Italy?

   d) They won't visit Sweden in three weeks. Future Simple

  Специальный: When will they not visit Sweden?

   e) They haven't visited Norway this month. Present Perfect

  Специальный: Who hasn't visited Norway this month?

6. a) You don't often eat pancakes with caviar. Present Simple

  Специальный: What don't you often eat pancakes with?

   b) You are not eating pancakes with jam now. Present Continuous

  Специальный: Who is not eating pancakes with jam now?

   c) You didn't eat pancakes with sour cream for lunch yesterday. Past Simple

  Специальный: What didn't you eat for lunch yesterday?

   d) You won't eat pancakes with sugar for dinner tomorrow. Future Simple

  Специальный: When will you not eat pancakes with sugar for dinner?

   e) You've not eaten pancakes with cream yet. Present Perfect

  Специальный: What haven't you eaten yet?

Аноним: Добавил отрицания и специальные вопросы.
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