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Ответ дал: tucktuk



Many years ago each person had only one profession which he or she knew well. They were mostly connected with physical labour, such as a smith, a tailor, a cook, a cleaner, a builder and so on. It was long ago before the invention of digital technologies.

Nowadays the situation has rapidly changed. We have created different robots which can do hard and dangerous tasks instead of us. For example, we don't need a special person to wash our clothes because we have a washing machine at home, we don't need many people to dig soil in order to plant vegetables, for that we use special machines, we also don't need a tailor to cut out our clothes, almost all jobs are done by robots.

The problem of our century is unemployment rate, people don't have anything to do. Most of us have to use digital technologies at our work and as they develop very fast, we have to learn something new all the time. The lack of positions has made us learn new things all the time. You can't be just a translator, a manager or a photographer, you also need to know how to use computers, how to teach languages, how to edit photos on computer or who to look for new employees on the internet.

There are more than 7 billions people in the world and the employment competition is very tough, so we need to learn something new all the time, if we want to get a good job.

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