Task 2. Choose the correct answer.
1. ____ you _____ homesick the first time you’ve travelled alone?
A. Do you feel
B. Are you feeling
C. Have you been feeling
D. Have you felt
2. I ______________ around the town for hours, thinking of you.
A. am wandering
B. have been wandering
C. have wandered
D. is wandering
3. This suitcase ________ to me, madam.
A. belongs
B. is belonging
C. has belonged
D. belonged
4. -You’ve gone to Chile, haven’t you?
- No, but I _______ to Peru every summer.
A. has go
B. have gone
C. is gone
D. do go
5. - What’s the fare?
- It _________ 3$. What’s going on?
A. have always been being
B. has always been
C. is being
D. does be
6. Anna and Jack __________ a hotel for their journey at the moment.
A. are booking
B. has booked
C. have been booking
D. book
7. I _____ on my way yet.
A. haven’t been
B. don’t
C. am not
D. haven’t been being
8. The direction _____ totally correct.
A. aren’t
B. have been
C. is
D. isn’t


Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. Have you felt homesick the first time you've travelled alone? (D)
  2. I have been wandering around the town for hours, thinking of you. (B)
  3. This suicase belongs to me, Madam. (A)
  4. — You've gone to Chile, haven't you? — No, but I do go to Peru every summer. (D)
  5. — What's the fare? — It has always been $3. What's going on? (B)
  6. Anna and Jack are booking a hotel for their journey at the moment. (A)
  7. I am not on my way yet. (C)
  8. The direction isn't totally correct. (D)

Аноним: Вообще я посоветовался с коллегами, и мы твёрдо считаем, что в первом предложении должно быть Past Simple.
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