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Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. In the morning my grandfather always looks through fresh newspapers. But yesterday he listened to news, bcause there were no fresh newspapers at home.
  2. As a rule, Denys and Bohdan play tennis on Sundays, but last Sunday they played volleyball with us, for a change.
  3. In the evening, Granny often talks on the phone to her numerous friends, but yesterday I answered their calls, because Granny was out.
  4. As a rule, my elder brother always works in the Internet in the evening, but last night he helped our mother about the house, for a change.
  5. My Mum usually cooks dinner on Sundays. But last Sunday she was very busy with her work. So, Dad cooked dinner for us. We helped him. He looked funny in Mum's apron. We laughed a lot.
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