19 I'm sorry I broke your glasses, Paul,' said Stacy, (apologised)
Stacy .....breaking his glasses.
20 When I'm an adult, I want to be a pop star!( up)
When I......., I want to be a pop star!
21 Let's leave at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.( set )
Let's..... at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.
22 You've really disappointed me, Rachel. (down )
You've really ......Rachel .
23 They gave me a map of the town centre.( provided )
They ......a map of the town centre.
24 Hurry up or we'll miss the plane!( late) Hurry up or we'll..... the plane!
25 Did you really go into town by yourself, Sam?( own)
Did you really go into town..... Sam?
26 I don't really like travelling. (fond)
I'm not very .......travelling​


Ответ дал: GreyBoar


19 I'm sorry I broke your glasses, Paul,' said Stacy, (apologised)

Stacy apologised for.....breaking his glasses.

20 When I'm an adult, I want to be a pop star!( up)

When I..grow up....., I want to be a pop star!

21 Let's leave at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.( set )

Let's...set off.. at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

22 You've really disappointed me, Rachel. (down )

You've really .let me down.....Rachel .

23 They gave me a map of the town centre.( provided )

They ....provided me with..a map of the town centre.

24 Hurry up or we'll miss the plane!( late) Hurry up or we'll...be late for.. the plane!

25 Did you really go into town by yourself, Sam?( own)

Did you really go into town..on your own... Sam?

26 I don't really like travelling. (fond)

I'm not very ...fond of....travelling


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