Нужна помощь! Буду очень благодарен! Заранее спасибо


amanda2sempl: 1f; 2h; 3j; 4c; 5b; 6e; 7i; 8g; 9a


Ответ дал: amanda2sempl

1  No parking f  in front of a garage

2  Toilet – h  at the back of a restaurant

3  Queue here – j  inside a post office

4  Out of order – c  on a drinks machine

5  Please do not disturb – b  on a hotel room door

6  Sale – e  in a shop window

7  Entrance – i  at the front door of a museum

8  No vacancies – g  in a hotel window

9  Please ring for attention – a  in a hotel reception

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