5 Complete the sentences. Use never and the verb in brackets. 1 Leo 's never met (meet) an Australian. (see) that film. 2 We 3 The explorer (be) in a dangerous situation. 4 I (go) to America. 5 My parents 6 Toby. (sail) on an ocean. (get) lost. 7 Lara and Holly (use) a camcorder. 8 You (find) a dinosaur. 9 We (lose) our homework. 10 Grandma and Grandpa. (send) an email. 6 Complete the text. Use the present perfect of the verb in brackets. Hi Billy, It was great to hear about your trip to Australia. I' 've never been (never go) to that part of the world, but I 2 friend there, but his parents (never see) America, and they s a plane. My friend 7 (visit) Canada. I've got a (never travel) abroad. They (never catch) (travel) by plane ten times! (you ever want) to live in a different country? I have! I'll call you soon for a chat. Bye for now, Andy



Ответ дал: Hrenznaetkakoiotvet
2. We have not seen that film
3. Was
4. I have gone to America
5. My parents got lost
6.Toby has sailed
9. Have lost
10. Have sent
2.has visited
3.I have never traveled
4.have never caught
5.have you ever wanted to live
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