помогите пожалуйста с английским

Task 1. Use -to- where necessary to complete the sentences. ( 10 points)

Have you ever seen fish …. jump? 2. How can you make a child-------learn to be polite? 3. We all want you --------be very happy. 4. Yesterday I heard someone ------say that the weather was going to change 5. I’ll let you --------go to the cinema if you are good. 6. Sara didn’t expect her mother -------give her a pet as a birthday present. 7. I didn’t notice him ---------- leave the room. 8. The children were made ---------learn a long poem by heart. 9. In the dark the boy felt his father ----------take him by the hand. 10. Margo would like her teacher not --------be so strict.

Task 2. Put in the articles where necessary. ( 10 points)

1.------ dictionary is a reference book. 2. ------bread on --------dish smelled delicious. 3. Robert is -------truck driver. 4. Paula hit --------- ball over ------ wall. 5. Have you tasted --------- soup? 6. -----earth is -----planet, but --------- sun isn’t. 7. John saw --------- ring on ------ floor. --------- ring was made of gold. 8. I don’t think you gave me ------- right answer. 9. It’s --------book Bob advised me to read. 10. –Let’s have ------- break. –What ----- good idea.


Ответ дал: aliona0309

1 задание

1. –

2. –

3. To

4. –

5. –

6. To

7. –

8. –

9. –

10. To

2 задание

1. A

2. The, the

3. A

4. The, the

5. The

6. The, a, the

7. A, the, the

8. The

9. The

10. A, a

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