Помогите нужно расставить по порядку диалог:
Number the dialogue in the correct order
Would you like to go away for the weekend?
What about next weekend? What are you doing then? Are you free this weekend?
I love it!
OK. Let's go to Devon-the countryside isbeautiful! Sorry, no. I'm working on Saturday.
Nothing. Next weekend is fine.
I'd love to.
Great. Do you like walking?


Ответ дал: Krista1406


-Would you like to go away for the weekend?

-Sorry, no. I'm working on Saturday.

-What about next weekend? What are you doing then? Are you free this weekend?

-Nothing. Next weekend is fine

- Great. Do you like walking?

- I love it!

- OK. Let's go to Devon-the countryside is beautiful!

- I'd love to

вроде так


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