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I'm Helen. I live in the

but last August I visited my new school friend, David, lives on farm His dad, William, is famous in the north of the country. but he's a


farmer too! slow lots of cows and other there, but I remember Pirate, the black and white sheep dog, most. Early one morning. David's dad came into the kitchen, "The sheep in the west field aren't there now! he said. 'I must find them. Come and help me!" David and I the back of his big old green tractor. Pirate jumped up into the front. jumped up and followed him outside. We all onto William stopped the engine and shouted, Go. Find the sheep!' Pirate jumped down and ron behind some trees, A minute later, we saw him again The clever dog ran around the sheep to make them come back down into the west field. william drove the troctor up the hill. Suddenly, Pirate got very David's dad

loudly and called, "Well done. Pirate! Brilliant!

Pirate worked very hard that doy. "He's tired, I whispered to David after dinner. "He ran long today" But Pirate wasn't too tired to some of his favourite cookies that evening!


Ответ дал: andreypezdatov




David SwiftKey Flow

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