
Put the words in the right form to make up sentences.

1. policemen, in, There, two, are, front, bank, of, the.

2 children's, are, These, very, dirty, hands.

3 flowers, the, The, vase, in, blue, and, are, red.

4 is, butter, There, cheese, the, and, fridge, in.

5 in, Is, sugar, cake, there, this?

6 There, many, in, today, are, people, not, the, restaurant.

7. It, very, and, in, at, is, the, dark, silent, streets, night.

8. The, not, today, are, open, shops.

9. What, of, is, the, bag, colour, Ann's?

10. it, or, cold, Is, outdoors, warm?​


Ответ дал: lyalyallyaya


1. There are two policemen in front of the bank.

2. These are children's hands very dirty.

3. The flowers in vase are blue and red.

4. There is butter and cheese in the fridge.

5. Is there sugar in this cake?

6. There are not many people in the restaurant today.

7. It is very dark and silent in the street at night.

8. The shops are not open today.

9. What is the color of Ann's bag?

10. Is it cold or warm outdoors?


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