Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words. 1 Don't do that as there's a chance you'll fail. RISK 5 I think it's essential to have a valid passport PASSPORT Don't do that because you I think is essential 2 He loves to ride his bike at the weekend. GO He loves to at the weekend 6 Nobody finished the exam before Sarah FIRST Sarah was the exam 3 I think it's terrible to get up early. STAND early 1 7 It would be great to see him in concert next week LOVE 4 Please think about joining our club. CONSIDER 1 hirn in concert next week. Please our club​



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

Завершите второе предложение так, чтобы оно имело тот же смысл, что и первое, и при этом используйте указанное слово. Не меняйте данное слово. Используйте от двух до пяти слов.


1 Don't do that as there's a chance you'll fail.   RISK

  Don't do that because you risk failing.

2 He loves to ride his bike at the weekend.    GO

 He loves to go cycling at the weekend.  

3 I think it's terrible to get up early.     STAND

  I can't stand getting up early.

4 I think it's essential to have a valid passport.   PASSPORT

   I think having a valid passport is essential.

5 Please think about joining our club.    CONSIDER

  Please consider joining our club.

6 Nobody finished the exam before Sarah.   FIRST

  Sarah was the first to finish the exam.

7 It would be great to see him in concert next week.   LOVE

  I'd love to see him in concert next week.


Это задание на употребление герундия и инфинитива после некоторых слов и выражений.

Герундий используется после таких глаголов, как risk, go, can't stand, don't mind, consider, suggest и т. д., а также может выступать в качестве подлежащего (см. пункт 4).

Инфинитив используется...

- когда нужно объяснить, зачем выполняется действие, с какой целью;

- в конструкции it's + прилагательное + инфинитив;

- после слов too, enough, the first, the last;

- после таких глаголов, как agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, decided, expect, help, hope, learn, manage, need, promise, seem, want, would like. #SPJ3

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