Срочно. Нужно написать рассказ про спасенного животного, употребить все 14 неправильных глаголов
Помогите,срочно. Нужно написать про как ты спас животного или просто про встречу животного
see, choose, meet, be, come, bring, take, speak, go, look, have, feed, brash, find​​

foxvasiliewa: Очень срочно


Ответ дал: ThisEmir

I went to a pet store and saw my friend. He was upset. He had a hamster that got sick and died. He chose a new pet, looking at everyone, when he did not find anything he went to a restaurant in which take a speak meat аnd took the menu, he found his favorite burger and brash salad went for delicious food. It was a great day at the funeral, we mourn.

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