1. Put the words in the correct order in the sentence. Example: I can/How can I / help/you / 1? - How can I help you?
1. can / I/What/you/for/do?
2. how long/How / are / going/are / you/going to stay?
3. room/view/do you / like/What/from/would?
4. would you like/would like/room/with/sea view/with/you?
5. Can I / your / passport / please / have?
6. do I/have / a reservation/Is there/is there? 7. Will the form/be / filled out/by/you / please/in/this?
8. Could you / tell / me / your / name / please?
9. sign/the will/here/to you?
10. breukfast/want/do/you/number/in/your?​


Ответ дал: darinablysniuk

1. what can I do for you?

2. How long are you going to stay?

3. What view would you like from your room?

4. would you like a room with sea view?

5. can I have your passport?

6. do I have a reservation there

8. could you tell me your name please

9. will you sign here?

10. do you want breakfast in your number?

Ответ дал: eve89
1. What can I do for you?
2. How long are you going to stay?
3. What room would you like?
4. Would you like a room with a sea view?
5. Please, can I have your passport?
6. Do I have a reservation?
7. Please, will you be filled out in this the form?
8. Please, could you tell me your name?
9. Here’s sigh the Will to you?(I’m not sure)
10. Do you want your breakfast?
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