Correcting mistakes In each of the following questions there is one mistake. Find it and correct it. 1 What you do? What do you do? 2 Does he got a calculator? ? 3 Have you ever ride a motorbike? ? 4 What you are doing tonight? 5 Where you went last night? 6 Your friends they like travelling? 7. Do you can speak English? 8 What are you go to do tomorrow?

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Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

2 Has he got a calculator?

3 Have you ever ridden a motorbike?

4 What are you doing tonight?

5 Where did you go last night?

6 Do your friends like travelling?

7. Can you speak English?

8 What are you going to do tomorrow?

shvetsovaanastasiya2: Спасибо огромноееееееее
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