3 Read the text again. Choose the correct answers. 1 The first computer was ... a very small b very big c a baby 2 Baby found the answer to ... in 52 minutes. a three Maths problems b an exam question one Maths problem 3 ... of schools in the UK use computers in their lessons. 10% b 50% c three quarters 4 Computers will ... in the future. a be in all schools b hold more information c be more intelligent than people ​

jannet300586: надеюсь ты правильно сделала
abdrazakova09: 1-с , 2-а, 3-с, 4-а, 5-а
Lisenok1020: Это правильно ?
sarsenbaenabdrahim: правильно?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1b, 2c, 3c, 4b


1 The first computer was ...

a very small

b very big

c a baby

2 Baby found the answer to ... in 52 minutes.

a three Maths problems

b an exam question

с one Maths problem (программисты написали три задачи, но за 52 минуты комп решил только одну из этих задач)

3 ... of schools in the UK use computers in their lessons.

a 10%

b 50%

c three quarters (это и есть 75%, указанных в тексте)

4 Computers will ... in the future.

a be in all schools

b hold more information

c be more intelligent than people ​


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