2 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Antibiotics (prescribe) by doctors to fight disease for many years. 2 What would our lives be like if X-ray machines (not invent)? 3 Scientists believe that a vaccine to prevent malaria (develop) soon. 4 In the past, many patients (infect) each year in dirty hospitals. 5 Natural plant remedies for illnesses (discover) all the time. 6 Anaesthetics (not use) in operations until the 19th century.​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1 Antibiotics ARE PRESCRIBED by doctors to fight disease for many years.

2 What would our lives be like if X-ray machines WERE NOT INVENTED?

3 Scientists believe that a vaccine to prevent malaria WILL BE DEVELOPED soon.

4 In the past, many patients WERE INFECTED each year in dirty hospitals.

5 Natural plant remedies for illnesses ARE DISCOVERED all the time.

6 Anaesthetics WERE NOT USED in operations until the 19th century.​

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