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1. Are there some societies in your school? 2. You can't enrich you vocabulary without books, can't you? 3. Are sister or my friend going to join the club? 4. Do your school club challenge you enough? 5. What societies do offered in your school? 6. There are good facilities for doing sport, are they? 7. Who does like cooking after classes? 8. What school events did your mother had at school? 9. Will Anna takes 3 clubs this term? 10. How many students did took part in these events? 11. Does your friend has good facilities for doing sports? 12. What have thousands of books, audio books? 13. Are there a gym or playground in your school? 14. The students get knowledge at the school lessons, get they? 15. What are your friend interested in?


Ответ дал: vaallue


Does your school have societies? 2. You can't expand your vocabulary without books, can you? 3. Is my sister or my girlfriend going to join the club? 4. Is the school club challenging enough for you? 5. What societies are offered at your school? 6. Are there good sports conditions? 7. Who likes to cook after school? 8. What school activities did your mom do at school? 9. Will Anna take 3 clubs this semester? 10. How many students took part in these activities? 11. Does your friend have good sports opportunities? 12. What does this have to do with thousands of audiobooks? 13. Does your school have a gym or playground? 14. Pupils get knowledge in school lessons, do you understand? 15. What is your friend interested in?

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