Read the situations and write the sentences in Present Perfect.

Rose is looking for her wallet. She can't find it. She ______________ (leave) it at home.
Lucas can't walk and his leg is in plaster. He _____________ (break) his leg.
Anna's English wasn't very good. Now it is much better. It ______________ (improve).
I was sleepy this morning, but now I feel really energetic! I _____________ (have) some coffee.
Last year the rent of my flat was lower. It ___________ (go up) by 15 per cent this year.
This afternoon I was expecting a parcel. Now I have it. It ______________ (arrive).


Ответ дал: elonsie



Rose is looking for her wallet. She can't find it. She has left it at home.

Lucas can't walk and his leg is in plaster. He has broken his leg.

Anna's English wasn't very good. Now it is much better. It has improved.

I was sleepy this morning, but now I feel really energetic! I have had some coffee.

Last year the rent of my flat was lower. It has gone up by 15 per cent this year.

This afternoon I was expecting a parcel. Now I have it. It has arrived.

Ответ дал: YoonSeA


1. has left

2. has broken

3. has improved

4. have had

5. has gone up

6. has arrived

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