6. [10.6.13 Use the prompts and the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences with the past modals.

1. Harry looks upset. He ………(have) some bad news. (I am not sure)

2. My bicycle isn't there! Someone ………(steal) it! (I am sure it happened)
stors. So perhaps

3. This book is 600 pages long. You ……(read) it in one day! (I am sure it didn't happen)

4. There's a cake in the fridge. Mum ……… (go) to the supermarket (I am sure it happened)


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Harry looks upset. He MIGHT HAVE HAD some bad news.

2. My bicycle isn't there! Someone MUST HAVE STOLEN it!

3. This book is 600 pages long. You COULDN'T HAVE READ it in one day!

4. There's a cake in the fridge. Mum MUST HAVE GONE to the supermarket.

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