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Ответ дал: intellegence

Первая фотография:

3. She studies very hard at the weekends

4. My father watches television most evenings

5. I often cry at the cinema

6. She does a lot of homework at the evenings

7. A mother cat washes her kittens

8. You teach language very well

9. He carries the shopping for his grandmother

10. He's very naughty - he pushes other children.

Вторая фотография:

3. She usually buys all the food.

4. She teaches history and Latin.

5. He walks to the office every day.

Третья фотография:

6. She never washes the car.

7. He opens the building every morning.

8. He occasionally writes letters to my old school friends.

9. He drinks a lot of tea with my breakfast.

10. She watches the football on television every Saturday.

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