3 Write questions and answers about the picture in Exercise 2. 1 Where's the notebook? It's on the desk. 1 notebook 5 books 2 white rubber 6 laptop 3 red pencil 7 bag 4 board​



Ответ дал: dindin2020


2. Where's the white rubber? It's in the pencil case. 3. Where's the red pencil? It's on the desk. 4. Where's the board? It's on the wall. 5. Where're the books? They're on the book shelf. 6. Where's the laptop. It's on the teacher's table. 7. Where's the bag? It's next to the desk on the floor.


Это упражнение 3 на странице 5 из учебника за 5 класс Eyes Open 1

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