3. Complete the dialogue with the correct phrase.

See you then. •You should be physically fit • I' dd like to find out about volunteering for your organisation. • It sounds good. • Can you tell me about your next event? • What. equipment do i need? • I'd like to take part? • How do i sign up?​


akhmetovakamshat459: dialogue with the /з … correct phrase. You should be physically • See you then. fit • I'd like to find out about volunteering for your organisation. • It sounds good. Can you tell me about your next event? • What equipment do i need? • I'd like to take part. How do I sign up? A: Good morning. Protect the Earth. … B: Oh hello. 1) … A: Great! We have regular


Ответ дал: XenophobicCoffee


1) I'd like to find out about volunteering for your orgnisation;

2)It sunds good;

3)You should be physically fit;

4)What equipment do I need?;

5)How do I sign up?;

6)Can you tell me about your next event?;

7)I'd like to take part;

8)See you then;

abylajzasulan53: у кого есть 4
akhmetovakamshat459: x>5; 2) x<3; 3) -3
mizuku978: 4 у кого есть?
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