Change the direct speech into reported speech

1) She said, 'He works in a bank.'

She said ___________ ___________ ___________ in a bank.

worked works that he

2) They said, 'We went out last night.'

They said that _________ ____________ out last night.

we went had gone they

3) He told me, 'I'm coming.'

He told me that ___________ ___________ coming.

am I was he

4) She said, 'I'd never been there before.'

She said ___________ ___________ never been there before.

had I she would

5) Tom said, 'I didn't go to the party.'

Tom said that he __________ __________ to the party.

didn’t went hadn't gone

6) Ann told us, 'Mary will come later.'

Ann told us that Mary ___________ ___________ later.

will would come came

7) Martin said, 'We haven't eaten breakfast.'

Martin said they ___________ ___________ breakfast.

ate haven’t eaten hadn't

8) Sarah said, 'I can help you tomorrow.'

Sarah said that _________________ help me tomorrow.

9) John told me, 'I don't like chocolate.'

John told me he ______________________ chocolate.

10) Lucy said, 'I visited my parents at the weekend.'

Lucy said that _______________________ her parents at the weekend.

11) Emma said, 'She hasn't eaten sushi before.'

Emma said she _____________________ sushi before.

12) He said, 'I'll do the washing-up later.'

He said that _______________________ the washing-up later.


Ответ дал: dmitrylebedev2005



1 that he worked

2 they hsd gone

3 he was

4 she had

5 didnt went

6 would come

7 havent ate

8 she would help

9 didnt like

10 she visited

11 havent ate

12 he would do


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