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Ответ дал: jaideconne
What are you going to do with this room? — I’m going to paint the walls now black and white. 2. The men in helicopter are going to try to help the man in the water. 3. These two men are going to cycle across Africa. 4. The man is standing up. He is going to make a speech. 5. He’s going to grow a beard when he leaves school. 6. Are you going to reserve a seat? 7. I’m going to plant an apple tree here. 8. i’m going to have a bath. 9. i’m not going to sleep in this room. 10. it’s going to rain. Look at those clouds. 11. That man with the tomato in his hand is going to throw it at the dog. 12. The cat is going to have kittens. 13. That door is going to close. 14. When you are going to bake a cake? 15. I’m going to stop her for a moment to ask a question. 16. Are you going to ask him to help you? 17. I’ve lent you my book once. I’m not going to do it again. 18. I saw the play. Now i’m going to read the book.

jaideconne: black and white
jaideconne: это приложение не хочет распознавать символы, извиняюсь(
Аноним: Ты можешь в тексте исправить то что ты сейчас написала? А то блин я запуталась(
Аноним: Или нет?
jaideconne: к сожалению с телефона не могу. сейчас полностью первое предложение напишу
Аноним: Ок спасибо большое))))
jaideconne: 1. What are you going to do with this room? — I’m going to paint the walls in black and white.
jaideconne: остальное всё верно.
Аноним: Спасибо большое))))
jaideconne: не за что :)
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