2. a) Work with a partner and say these dates in English. a) 12th December, 1928 e) 06.06.1799 b) 12/04/1961 f) the 19th century c) 26th December, 1906 g) the 1950s d) 1956

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Ответ дал: HellishHelen

a) 12th December, 1928 - the twentieth of December, nineteen twenty-eight.

e) 06.06.1799- the sixth of June, seventeen ninety-nine

b) 12/04/1961 - the twentieth of April, nineteen sixty-one

f) the 19th century - the ninetenth century

c) 26th December, 1906 - the twenty-sixth of December, nineteen oh six/nineteen hundred and six

g) the 1950s - the nineteen fifties

d) 1956 -nineteen fifty-six

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