Complete the Second Conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If Tom (have) a full-time job, he (not resign) from it.
2 if you (can) work for any company, which company you (like) to work for?
3 lf I (be) you, I (take) this job.
4 She (give) lots of jobs to young people if she (be) a successful businessperson.
5 If we often (come) to work late, we (get) the sack.​


Ответ дал: starlight42


1 If Tom had a full-time job, he would not resign from it.

2 If you could work for any company, which company you would like to work for?

3 lf I were you, I would take this job.

4 She would give lots of jobs to young people if she was a successful businessperson.

5 If we often came to work late, we would get the sack.


Second Conditional - для воображаемых ситуаций в настоящем или будущем.

If + Past Simple, would do smth.

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