помогите, пожалуйста определить временную форму глаголов
1. She studies foreign literature.
2. English is spoken by lots of people.
3. He went to
Australia on holiday.
4. She will take part in the discussion, won’t she?
5. All the lectures are given in English.
6. When will the novel be published?
7. His poetry was much spoken about.
8. He doesn’t usually listen to the lectures attentively.
9. Are these scholars invited to the conference?
10. Special attention will be focused on the history of the Russian language.
11. We don’t analyse these literary works.
12. This article was written in Japanese.
13. They read a book on folklore last time, didn’t they?
14. Does he study drama or poetry?
15. Were the magazines taken from him? 16. She is usually listened to with
great interest.


Ответ дал: shoira12
1. Present Simple
2,Passive voice - present simple
3.Past Simple
4. Future Simple
5. Passive voice -present simple
6.Passive voice -future simple
7.Passive voice -Past simple
8.Present simple
9.Passive voice -Present simple
10.Passive voice-future simple
11.Present simple
12.Passive voice-past simple
13.Past simple
14.Present simple
25.Passive voice-past simple
16.Passive voice-Present Simone

shoira12: 16.Passive voice-Present Simple
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