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Ответ дал: GreyBoar


1 Modern means of transport are efficient and relatively cheap, they are the reason we can travel almost anywhere in the world in a matter of hours. It has become possible for us to see other countries, learn about their cultures and experience their lifestyle. It sounds good but, as always, there is a downside.

2 On the one hand, traveling broadens our mind. For example, we can see historical monuments with our own eyes and learn about past civilizations. We can almost experience history by actually visiting historical places.  

3 On the other hand, we all know that cars, airplanes and trains cause serious harm to the environment. They pollute the atmosphere of our planet and make the problem of global warming even more acute. There are fewer and fewer clean and beautiful places to go to in the world

4 However, it is always possible to find a compromise. We don’t have to cross the ocean to spend some time at the seaside or to see an ancient monument. There are sandy beaches and historical places closer to home

5 Personally, I would much rather go for a walk in the countryside or enjoy a ride on my bicycle. Our country is so beautiful that I wouldn’t want to leave it even for a short time  


GreyBoar: Прочитайте внимательно, сегодня еще можно будет как-то подредактировать
Аноним: Все хорошо) все правильно, спасибо)
Аноним: Есть еще одно маленькое задание: match the highlighted phrasal verbs with their meanings :
1. stand out
2. made up
3. turned out
4. made up for

a. to form
b. to compensate for
c. to be very noticeable
d. to happen in a particular way
Аноним: Но stand out - to be very noticeable
Аноним: А остальное, не подскажете?
GreyBoar: 1c 2a 3d 4b
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