2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets
1 Her warmth and
(friendly) make her popular among her classmates.
2 I don't like watching the news. There is so much
(negative). Everything is bad.
3 To be a successful singer, I think you need talent and a good
4 She is an interesting person, but sometimes her
(shy) stops her from expressing herself.
5 The
(popular) of American TV series is getting bigger every year.
6 I think you need a lot of
(create) if you want to be a blogger,
7 I don't want to buy anything. I was just looking out of
8 The position requires
(reliable) as well as the confidence to speak to customers


Ответ дал: an2xna


1. friendliness

2. negativity

3. personality

4. shyness

5. popularity

6. creativity

7. curiosity

8. reliability

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