Помогите пожалуйста!КТо пераый поможет сделаю самым лучшим и за это 25 баллов прошу пожалуйста помогите !! 1предложение это к примеру как делать другие! 
Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using SOMEBODY/THEY/PEOPLE etc. Write a passive sentences.
1)Somebody cleans the room every day.
The room is cleaned every day.
2)They cancelled all flights because of fog.
3)People don t use this road very often.
4)Somebody accused me of stealing money.
5)How do people learn languages?
6)People advised us not to go out alone


Ответ дал: galina572319
2) All fights were cancelled because of fog.
3) This road is not used very often.
4) I was accused of stealing money.
5) How are languages learnt by people?
6) We were advised not to go out alone.
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